Monday, April 18, 2011

Gifted, Creative, and Talented

Students who have high levels of performance intellecutally, creatively, artisticly, or in leadership or specific academic fields. Characterized by learning things more quickly and easily at a younger age than most children. Usually advanced in their language, memory, problem-solving skills, and academic achievement, with good motivation, attention span, and a love of learning the things that interest them. Causation is still widely varied and theoretical.

Provide additional opportunites for them to learn and achieve - individual projects, science fairs, involvement with art or music competitons, etc. Make sure your general classwork includes a wide range of activities that help all ability levels learn and be engaged. Give opportunites to help solve real problems.

Provide work that studies the regular classwork more in depth or progresses more quickly. Establish activities for those who finish early to have additional learning. Use a variety of instructional strategies.

Technology Resources:

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