Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hearing and Vision Loss

A complete or partial loss of vision or hearing, caused by biological (congenital) or acquired factors. Hearing loss characteristics: slower learning (but not less intelligent), poor speech skills, lacks some social skills with the "hearing" world. Vision loss characteristics: misunderstanding of spatial concepts, some language skills suffer (inability to associate words with objects), difficulty organizing thoughts, struggles in orientation adn mobility.

For Vision Loss: be very verbal - use descriptive words, let students know where you are in the classrooom, verbal notice of assignments and events (nothing only written on the board, everything announced). Have a very orderly, neat room with no sharp corners, no chords that could be tripped over, etc.
For Hearing Loss: be very visual - use visual aides, don't speak and write on the board at the same time, face the student when speaking, have classwork and schedules writing out on the board. Use brief and clear instruction. Speak clearly and allow time for interpretation.

Provide braille, guide dog, use audiobooks. Captioned films and videos, interpreter, have a note taker, write down auditory materials for them.

Technology Resources:
hearing aides, captioned films, brailee keyboard, low-vision projector screen

Environmental Resources:
Avoid background noise or having the student sit in busy areas, make sure they can clearly see the teacher, keep the room orderly.

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